Switch Modules

Pass Block Relay

Switch Distribute

Hold Keep SampHold Latest


Nonzero in the Pass input will pass the Value input to the output. 0 in Select sends 0.

Numeric values only.


Out: Passed value or 0.


Pass: NZ to pass value to output; 0 to send 0.

Value: Any numeric value to switch.


Nonzero in Block input will block input from output (sends 0), 0 passes.

Numeric values only.


Out: Passed value or 0.


Block: NZ to block Value from output (sends 0); 0 to pass Value.

Value: Any numeric value to switch.


The Relay module switches between the 1 and 2 inputs according to the Boolean state of the top Select input. If False(0), input 1 is selected; if True (any non-zero), input 2 is selected.

Handles text or numeric values.


Out: Copy of Selected Input.


Select: 0 for In1, NZ for In2.

In1: Any numeric or text value to switch.

In2: Any numeric or text value to switch.


Switch one of several inputs to the output.

Send selected input to output according to the value of the Select input. Selection values are 0 to the number of switch Sel inputs, and wrap around. So if there are 3 Sel inputs and the selection value is 4, the value at input 0 (Sel 0) is sent to the output.

This module has a user settable number of inputs. To change the number of inputs, click on the blue-label property button on the upper right of the module, and click on the "More" or "Fewer" button on the Inputs tab. You have the option to set custom input labels and tool tips if you like.

Handles text or numeric values.


Out: Copy of selected Sel input.


Select: Select Switch Input.

Sel N: Any numeric or text value to switch.


Distribute an input to one of several outputs.

Send In input to selected output according to the value of the Select input. Selection values are 0 to the number of distribution Sel outputs, and wrap around. So if there are 3 Sel outputs and the selection value is 4, the In value is sent to the Sel 0 output.

This module has a user settable number of outputs. To change the number of outputs, click on the blue-label property button on the upper right of the module, and click on the "More" or "Fewer" button on the Outputs tab. You have the option to set custom labels and tool tips if you like.

Handles text or numeric values.


Sel N: Copy of input when selected, when not selected holds last value.


Select: Select Sel output to receive In input.

Sel N: Any numeric or text value to distribute.


Zero in Hold input passes Value input to output; Nonzero holds output at current value.

Handles text or numeric values.


Out: Passed value or 0.


Hold: NZ to hold value at output; 0 to pass it through.

Value: Any numeric or text value to pass or hold..


Nonzero in Keep input passes Value input to output; Zero holds output at current value.

Handles text or numeric values.


Out: Passed value or 0.


Keep: 0 to hold value at output; NZ to pass it through.

Value: Any numeric or text value to pass or hold..


Send last changed input to output.

At each calculation cycle, the inputs are tested for change from top to bottom. If any input has changed it is sent to the output; any other simultaniously changed inputs are ignored and are not sent to the output unless changed again. Thus, if two inputs change at the same time, only the first is sent to the output, the 2nd never gets sent (unless it changes again later, and is the first to change at that calculation cycle).

This module has a user settable number of inputs. To change the number of inputs, click on the blue-label property button on the upper right of the module, and click on the "More" or "Fewer" button on the Inputs tab. You have the option to set custom labels and tool tips if you like.

Numeric values only.


Out: Copy of last changed input.

Index: 0 based index of last changed input.


In N: Any numeric value.


When the SampHold module receives a strobe input, it samples whatever value is in the bottom, In, input and sends it to the output. This value is held until another strobe is received. This emulates the Sample and Hold function of analog synthesizers.

Numeric values only.


Out: Copy of In at last strobe.


Strb: Strobe to sample input.

In: Any numeric value.

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